What I’m working on

Duplicate File Cleaner
Interests - Leasure

A simple duplicate file cleaner, written in Rust. I could not find any better solutions online, so I made my own solution.

Rust GL
Interests - Leasure

A simple CPU graphics library written in rust. Inspired by Tsoding's Olive.c.

Dimitris Provatas
Interests - Leasure

My very own README of my github profile. Just a simple highlighter of my activities, a TL;DR version of my bio if you will!


Here you can find my system configurations. From a simple windows gaming machine, to my daily drive macbook, I take great pride to my setups. I sped a lot of time trying to make them easy on my eyes, while maximising my efficiency. Take a look around!

Dev Script

A simple shell script, written to make opening projects from the terminal fast and efficient!

Banal Magazine
Full Stack Development

Banal Magazine was a project proposed to me and 2 friends by a common friend. Banal magazine is a Greek only web magazine created by a friend of ours. Our task was to create the full stack application behind it. We used Laravel, PHP and MySQL for the backend. For...

Conway's Game of Life in any Programming Language
Interests - Leasure

Conway's Game of Life in every Programming Language I know and can develop it. A really simple concept of 4 rules and generations going by, that pose a good challenge for developers.

Skoil Elikikou Discord Bot
Interests - Leasure

A really simple discord bot, written with Node.js and Discord.js. Joins a discord server voice channel and listens to commands. Can play media files over the voice chat to have fun with your friends.