Dimitris Provatas

Dimitris Provatas

Hello everyone, my name is Dimitris Provatas.

About Me




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My favorite past time activity though, has to be video gaming. I have been playing video games for a long time now, mainly First Person Shooters. I really enjoy puzzle and adventure games almost as much. But lately I have been falling in love with VR gaming. The pure potential this world has fascinates me. I am a huge supporter and early adapter. I really long for the glory days of VR gaming and VR technology in general!

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My Technologies

Since I have been programming for a long time, I have spent a lot of time researching and customizing the tools I use. I configure my environments and my editors in ways that make me more productive, but without sacrificing aesthetics and functionality. I also love using terminal tools as much as I can.

Frontend Work Experience

While I am an aspiring game developer, my work experience so far has not been on that. I started out as a Full Stack Developer, using common web technologies to make web sites and backend solutions. While I can use pure languages to develop, I always prefer to use frameworks. They help me maximize my efficiency and have a better common ground working with others.

As far as frontend development goes, I have been a huge fan of VueJS, which provides every necessary tool to make a web application nowadays. Also, I have been using Tailwind CSS and SASS to style any application I make, which provide a great suit of tools to streamline the process. Despite that, there have been projects where I had to use other tools, such as JQuery, ReactJS or even just pure HTML, CSS and JavaScript.

Backend Work Experience

On the other hand, when it comes to the backend, my “go to” language is mostly TypeScript, using NestJS. Previously, I was mainly using PHP. While PHP is not the best language, it has been an industry standard for a long time. But the main reason I used it is because of the Laravel framework. In my opinion, it has every tool a backend project needs to be up and running fast and reliably. But I have been taking an interest in learning about DotNET and Rust frameworks.

Smartphone App Work Experience

I also have worked on smartphone applications. I started out by developing native applications in Java for Android and Objective-C for iOS. Later I realized that having two different codebases for the same project is inefficient and I switched to hybrid app development frameworks. In the beginning I used AngularJS and Ionic to develop and style. I used the Cordova framework to compile and later switched to CapacitorJS for better results. Outside work, I created some projects with Flutter, which I believe to be the future of hybrid app development.

Personal Experience

Outside work, I have always been a fun of small projects to test my skills and thinking. I mostly work on mini games with the Unity game engine and C#. I am currently learning Godot in order to expand my knowledge. One of my life goals is to design and create my own game engine one day!

All of those taught me that there are tools that will make the development process easier. But if needed by a project the developers must be ready to sacrifice comfort for better results.

Explore my Work

Take a look at my projects here!

You can communicate with me here: