Coding Challenge

Festo Coding Challenge 2022

The Festo Coding Challenge 2022

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Festo Coding Challenge 2022

The Festo Coding Challenge 2022 was really interesting. It provided a fun storyline to follow along the challenges, but most importantly it forced me to think outside the box in order to solve most of these puzzles. It reminded me that programming is a creative process rather than just a job / hobby. You can read and learn more about this challenge here! While the challenge was not a big one, it had a great variety of questions and puzzles. I especially loved the pattern recognition ones, since it is a really interesting field of informatics. But what really gave me a run for my skills was the mathematical challenges. I really enjoyed trying to figure out the formulas to get me to the solution, even talking with the mathematician brother of mine trying to see what the optimal solution would be. I do believe that this coding challenge sharpen my abilities and critical thinking. From now on, I will try to participate in more coding challenges. Both to have fun while participating, but more importantly, to get my skills challenged and improved.